BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Central North-West Local Section: Annual Awards Night and Dinner 2024 UID:383 DESCRIPTION: \n\n\n\nCentral North-West Local Section\nInstitute of Measurement & Control\nAnnual Awards and DinnerThursday 17th October 2024\nINNSiDE Hotel, Manchester\n\n\nAwards will be presented:\n\n Students from University of Manchester, sponsored by Sella Controls. Students from Liverpool John Moores University, sponsored by ITI. (New) Early Career Engineer 2024. (New) to be announced in summer.\nWith Special Guest Alison D\nVocalist with experience in many locations including Las Vegas and Downing Street. Finalist on ‘New Faces’ and ‘Britain’s Got talent’ as a solo performer and a member of ‘Viva La Diva’. Alison’s current stage show features a variety of different music genres, from the fabulous 50’s and right-bang-up to date with a few current chart toppers.\n\nTICKETS\n£600 for a table of 10 and recognition as a Gold supporter of the Annual Dinner.\n£60 for individual tickets for Members, Non-Members and Guests\nand recognition as a Silver Supporter of the Annual Dinner.\n\nInstMC Companion Companies will get a 10% discount on these prices. Please let us know when making the reservation if you are eligible for the discount.\n\nFor more information or to reserve your place, please email, or\n\n \n\n DTSTART:20241017T180000Z DTEND:20241017T220000Z LOCATION:Innside Hotel, Manchester END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR