BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:South East Local Section: Are we still out of control? UID:408 DESCRIPTION:Are we still out of control? A review of how Safety Sytems may be impacted by design errors.The seminal HSE publication "Out of Control-Why control systems go wrong and how to prevent failure" was published 29 years ago and is still one of the most cited publications around functional safety. It showed that a majority of failures had their roots made in decisions before the plant was even constructed.\n\nThe presentation will look at how design errors can impact the ability of a SIF to perform its safety function. How to reduce design errors will be addressed and some of the ways in which reduction of design errors in the design phase can be achieved.\n\nReal world examples with emphasis on measurement transmitters will be shown.\n\n \n\n DTSTART:20241210T170000Z DTEND:20241210T183000Z LOCATION:Online Teams END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR