BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Central North-West Local Section: Digitalise Functional Safety, Reduce the Burden UID:418 DESCRIPTION: \n\n\n\n \n\nThis Technical talk will be presented as a face-to-face format rather than a virtual MS Teams tech-talk. The presentation will be at Sella Control in Stockport with a maximum of 20 persons. Please see the Eventbrite detail below for booking your free ticket.\n\n \n\nDigitalise Functional Safety, Reduce the BurdenIn this technical talk we explore the current challenges in Functional Safety and how digitalisation could help to manage, streamline, and document activities throughout the Functional Safety Lifecycle.\n\nThe presentation looks at some specific examples of how digitalisation can help reduce the burden of certain Functional Safety activities especially in the operation and maintenance lifecycle phase.\n\nWe also look at how we propose to integrate digital tools with the SIS and how this may look.\n\n\nEvent Details:Date: 12/02/2025\nLocation: Sella Controls Limited, Carrington Field Street, Stockport, Cheshire, SK1 3JN.\nTime: 18:00.\n\n \n\nPresenters:Chris Parr – CTO, Sella Controls\n\nChris has 30 years of experience working with safety critical systems. Over this time, he has been involved with the specification and design, commissioning and validation, verification and assessment and provides consultancy services covering the full Functional Safety lifecycle. He is a chartered engineer and a TÜV Rheinland certified Functional Safety Expert (#260/15, SIS).\n\nIan Dolan – Principal Functional Safety Consultant, Sella Controls\n\nIan has over 25 years of experience in the design, specification, commissioning, assessment, and consultancy relating to Safety Instrumented Systems in the process industry sector. He is a chartered engineer, Registered Functional Safety Engineer (RFSE) with the InstMC and a TÜV Rheinland certified Functional Safety Expert (#318/24, SIS).\n \n\n DTSTART:20250212T180000Z DTEND:20250212T190000Z LOCATION:Sella Controls Limited, Carrington Field Street, Stockport, Cheshire, SK1 3JN END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR