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Local Sections

North of Scotland Section

Welcome to the North Scotland section.

Measurement and Control is a key skill in engineering, especially so in Aberdeen, the capital of the North Sea Energy industry. 

The North of Scotland section would like to ensure that we have a strong, vibrant community and that control and instrumentation professionals at all levels have the opportunity to maintain and enhance their professional development, network with other colleagues and keep abreast of the latest technology.

Please come along to our technical meetings and get involved. Our programme has been compiled to cover a wide variety of key technical areas aimed at providing useful educational updates on the latest technology for everyone, helping to maintain and progress their continuous professional development (CPD). 

Following our AGM this year, we're delighted to present our 2024 committee including some new faces and some familiar faces. We hope you're looking forward to our 2024 events schedule including a good number of social events, opportunities to keep up with CPD and also our annual dinner which is not to be missed.

Many committee members wear multiple hats within the committee to make these events happen. We hope to see existing InstMC members as well as prospective new members at our events. If you're interested in becoming chartered through the institute, reach out to any of the committee members below and we will help put you in touch with the right people as well as explain the process! 

Contact us

Sandy Leitch, Chair –
Events Team -

Committee Members

Chairman Sandy Leitch
Vice Chair

David Rockland

Treasurer Bob Moncur
Honorary Treasurer Megan Hine
Programme/Events Committee Bob Moncur, Mark McPhail, Megan Hine, Nehal Hye
CPD/PRI/Education Officer Myles Gowan, Duncan Hutton
Communications Officer

Nehal Hye

Student Awards / University Liaison Emma Young, Nehal Hye, Megan Hine
SPE Liaison Bob Moncur, Mark McPhail
Dinner Chair Paul Furze
Dinner Sub Committee Duncan Hutton, Sandy Leitch, Bob Moncur, Mark McPhail, David Rockland