InstMC publishes a quarterly magazine, Precision, which explores the world of engineering and helps keep our members informed.
Precision offers reviews and opinions from experts in the field and presents technical articles related to measurement and control in an easy-to-comprehend style. The magazine is circulated to our +3000 members four times a year, and shines a spotlight on current topics, developing technology and member-related news.
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Current & Past Issues

Our digital monthly newsletter keeps members updated on InstMC activities as well as industry news and developments.
Measurement + Control is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes practical and technical research from both industry and academia. Whilst focusing more broadly on topics of relevance for practitioners in instrumentation and control, the journal also includes updates on both product and business announcements and information on technical advances. Measurement + Control aims for the middle ground, for balanced, objective contributions pitched at a high technical level and of significant interest to the non-specialist.
InstMC members have free access to the online digital editions via the members area.
In recognition of the 75th anniversary of the Institute of Measurement and Control (formerly the Society of Instrument Technology) the InstMC produced a Past Presidents brochure. This document is publicly available but is prohibited for commercial use. It is currently a work-in-progress and content is subject to change with intended future revisions.
View or download a copy but please continue to check for updated versions.