It is hoped that Ir Dr TSE, the Chairman, could be able to visit HQs on a regular basis; and vice versa, we cordially invite the key members from HQs to join our flagship events, like the participations of Dr FINLAY, Prof MACHIN, Prof SUMMERS, Dr STANFORD, Prof ATHERTON, Mr. MARTINALE, etc. in the past.
Special General Meeting (SGM) and Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Hong Kong Section
Notice is hereby given that the Special General Meeting and Annual General Meeting of The Institute of Measurement and Control will be held via online on 30 June 2022 at 7:30pm and 7:45pm respectively.
Agenda of SGM
- Ir Jackie NG and Ir Henry CHEUNG will retire by end of the Session. There are two vacancies for the Committee. To fill these vacancies, the Committee has decided to nominate the following two candidates for election: Mr Tommy CHEUNG and Mr Billy CHOW.
Agenda of AGM
- To receive and confirm the last Minutes
- To receive and adopt the Annual Report for Session 2021/2022
- To receive and adopt the Financial Statement for Session 2021/2022
- The Committee would like to nominate the following Committee Members to serve the HK Section for the coming session of 2 years: Ir M H LAW, Ir Dr Jimmy LI, Ir T K TAM, Ir Kent LAM, Mr Henry CHIANG, Ir Curie LEE, Mr Ken NG, Ir C K HUNG.
Access link of online meeting on 30 June at 7:30pm:
Meeting ID:822 2031 2348
Honorary Secretary
Webinar as one of the Organizers
Topic: Application of Innovative Technology in Construction Industry
Date & Time: 8th April 2022 | 6:30 – 8:00p.m.
Number of Attendees: Around 1,000 attendees

Photo: Ms. S MAK, Mr. K CHAN & Mr. A LAM, Speakers, Ir Prof L LOCK, InstMC VP & Dr L SHAM, Associate Secretary, InstMC HK, Mr. A SZE & Mr. T CHEUNG, IET HK – YMC Representatives, Ir D Louie, AES Representative & Ir L YIU, Facilitator, HKIE CAD
Summit as Co-organizer
Theme: HKIE CAD 2022 Summit - It’s Time to Change NextGen. To Control, Automation & Instrumentation
Date & Time: 26th February 2022 | 9:30a.m. – 5:00p.m.
Number of Attendees: Around 300 attendees

Photo: Ir Dr B LEE, VP, HKIE & Ir Prof L LOCK, VP, InstMC
2021 Greater Bay Area Engineers Forum as Co-organizer
Date: 5th December 2021
Venue: The Hongkong Polytechnic University

Photo: Ir Dr G TSE, Chairman, InstMC HK & VP, InstMC, Mr. H CHIANG, Manager, InstMC HK & Ir Prof L LOCK, VP, InstMC

Photo: Ir Prof L LOCK, Session Chair & VP, InstMC, Committee Members & Members, InstMC HK