The InstMC Prizes and Awards committee recognises those who have made outstanding contributions to the fields of measurement and control by presenting annual awards. We also recognise the efforts of our many hugely committed volunteers who contribute regionally and nationally to our activities.
InstMC hosts an annual evening ceremony in July where the prizes and awards are presented, and the winner of the Sir Harold Hartley Award presents the Guest Lecture.
How to Nominate
InstMC Members, as well as the public, are invited to nominate recipients for any of these awards at any time, but a call for nominations is sent out annually in December. Please submit a one-page citation, explaining why an award is appropriate, to the Chief Executive by email, to Steff Smith.
Awards – recognising professional excellence
The following awards are presented annually except the Sir George Thomson Award which is given quinquennially.
- Sir George Thomson Award – acknowledges contributions to measurement science resulting in fundamental improvements in the understanding of the nature of the physical world.
- Sir Harold Hartley Award - for outstanding contribution to the technology of measurement and control.
- Oxburgh Award – given to any person whose contribution to measurement, instrumentation and control in the field of environmental science and engineering is of outstanding merit.
- Callendar Award - for outstanding contribution to the art of instruments or measurement.
- Honeywell International Award - for distinguished work in control by Chartered Measurement and Control Technologists.
- Finkelstein Award - for notable contributions to measurement internationally.
- Cornish Award – given to an individual, group or company that has excelled in some dimension of scientific instrument making within industry, academia, national or international laboratories. This award is sponsored by the Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers (WCSIM).
- Institute Award for Exceptional Early Career Engineers - given to an individual, regardless of age, who is within approximately 10 years of starting work in Engineering, in the fields of Measurement, Instrumentation or Control, demonstrating an 'over and above' level of achievement for their level.
- Early Career Flow Measurement Award - given to an individual in the first 10 years of their career in flow measurement who has made significant contributions in the general area of flow measurement for an industrial application.
- Tallantire Award - given for exceptional commitment and service to the Institute and to achieving its aims and objectives.
- Honorary Fellowship – recognising distinguished, and normally long, service to the Institute and or measurement and control.
- L B Lambert Award - for meritorious service to the Institute through involvement with Local Sections, Special Interest Groups and InstMC committees.