Please forward this email to any friends or colleages who may have an interest in the subject.
Our Next Presentation will be onTUESDAY 9th February 2021 at 5.00PM
Please note change of subject.TITLE: Automotive AutomationHow Electrification & Flexible Manufacturing are driving Innovation and CustomizationPRESENTERS: Gary Herbert & Phil GeorgeCOMPANY: Rockwell Automation
If you wish to attend please email to LIS@instmc.org, and a link email will be provided 48hrs before the presentation. The presentation will be means of MS Teams, this does not require a download of software, and can be viewed on any web browser.
Phil George - Consultant
For the last 32 years Phil has been working with automation and information solutions in many different vertical sectors.Currently he’s using this experience to consult with businesses on improving their outcomes by embarking on digital transformation journeys. He majors on practical execution, working with many blue chip and SME customers. He manages a team of Technology Consultants to blueprint “The Connected Enterprise.”
Gary Herbert – Sales Manager
20 Years in the Automation Industry across a wide range of Industriesincluding CPG, F&B, Rail, Airports and O&G.
Currently a Sales Manager whose Team look after Auto, WWW and Infrastructure clients
For your interest and information in these strange times: 10th Feb Wednesday 6.00pm
Professor Chris Whitty - an online lecture presented by Gresham College.
Vaccination has transformed the outlook for many previously lethal infectious diseases. It has, however, caused controversy since its beginnings, even when used for widely feared diseases such as smallpox. For many infectious diseases we do not have a vaccine, and may never get one.
Vaccination is increasingly being considered for cancers, including ones with no infectious trigger.
This lecture will consider several aspects of the science and public debate about vaccines.To register click here.
Christopher Whitty CB FRCP FMedSci is Gresham Professor of Physic (the term for medicine when the post was created in 1597) at Gresham College. He is also Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England, the UK Government's Chief Medical Adviser, Chief Scientific Adviser at the Department of Health and Social Care and head of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
Heads Up: Next month: The What , Why, and How of Machine Learning.
We will have a technical presentation on the second Tuesday of each month until further notice At the present time we are planning only for webinar events. If you have a suitable presentation, or feel that there is a subject we should be covering, please contact our Programme Secretary , Henry Downes on Henry.Downes@InstMC.org. As and when conditions allow we will recommence face to face lectures, and reinstigate our social programme. Malcolm GeorgeActing Chairman