Please forward this email to any friends or colleages who may have an interest in the subject.
Our Next Presentation will be on
TUESDAY 11th May
at 5.00pm
TITLE : Fibre Based Monitoring of High Power CablesPRESENTER : Kuljit SinghCOMPANY: Optasense Ltd.
SynopsisLearn about the application of optical fibre thermal monitoring in power cabling and other applications. Bio PicKuljit Singh, Business Development Manager: Optasense
Has more than 14 years of experience in providing fibre optic asset management solutions to the Oil & Gas and Power Utilities sectors. He has been actively involved in the development of monitoring applications including the Power, Pipeline and LNG markets. His first 20 years of work experience has been involved in developing high technology cost effective solutions within the Power Semiconductors for Electric Vehicle Drives, HVDC and Offshore Wind Farm sectors.
If you wish to attend please email to LIS@instmc.org, and a link email will be provided 48hrs before the presentation. The presentation will be means of MS Teams, this does not require a download of software, and can be viewed on any web browser.
Heads Up: Next month: Big Data from an Operators Perspective: Steve Smith of BP:Tues 8th JuneWe aim to have a technical presentation on the second Tuesday of each month until June 2021. At the present time we are planning only for webinar events. If you have a suitable presentation, or feel that there is a subject we should be covering, please contact our Programme Secretary , Henry Downes on Henry.Downes@InstMC.org.
As and when conditions allow we will recommence face to face lectures, and reinstigate our social programme. Malcolm GeorgeChairman- London Section