The InstMC Awards Night is an annual event where prestige awards are presented to individuals for their outstanding contribution and services to the Institute
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and restrictions around social gatherings, the Institute cancelled the Awards Night ceremony in 2020. As lockdown ends and restrictions are gradually eased, we will be hosting an online ceremony, to honour this year’s winners, on Wednesday 27th October 2021.
We are delighted to present to you, the recipients of the 2021 InstMC Awards.
Sir Harold Hartley Medal
Winner: Professor Graham Machin
Honywell International Medal
Winner: Dr David Angeli
Callendar Medal
Winners: Professor Adrian Long
and Professor P A Muhammed
Finkelstein Medal
Winner: Professor Frank Härtig
Cornish Award (Sponsored by WCSIM) City, University of London Team:
Dr Miodrag Vidakovic Dr Matthias Fabian Dr Bruno Rente Prof Tong Sun Prof Kenneth TV Grattan Dr Heriberto Bustamante Dr Louisa Vorreiter
L B Lambert Award
Professor Eddie Lock
Honorary Fellow
Ron Summers
Honorary Fellow
John Morley
More information and the MS Teams Link to follow