Presenter: Lorraine Braben (Lorraine Braben Consulting)
CPD: Attendance gives 1.5 hours of CPD.

When you read of an accident in the press and it’s reported that it was due to ‘human error’, do you ever ask yourself what prompted that behaviour? Why didn’t the people involved see what was obvious? Why weren’t they more careful? Why didn’t they follow the rules? In most cases, the answer is that they are human, like the rest of us, and they responded to the situation as they saw it. When a serious accident occurs, there are usually several factors which caused the people at ‘the coal face’ to act in the way they did. In this interactive workshop, we will investigate a high-profile incident to discover how communication failures contributed to the event, how business practices influenced decision making and why automation isn’t enough to stop accidents happening!
Find out more at this FREE technical lecture.
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For further information please contact: David Green