Please forward this email to any friends or colleages who may have an interest in the subject.
Our Next Presentation will be onTUESDAY 7th December 2021at 5.00PM
TITLE : Demystifying Rotary Control ValvesPRESENTER: Ian SteelCOMPANY: Bray Controls
Bray will present on the ongoing development of Rotary Valves for use in control applications. The presentation will demonstrate advantages in using Rotary control valves versus conventional Globe ValvesBio PicIan Steel, Bray European Product Manager – Actuation and ControlsIan has over 33 years’ experience in the Valve Industry; 27 of those years working at Bray, 8 of which were based in the Middle East covering all regions and industries. Ian has an integral role in developing Bray’s vision for the future.
Alfy Patel – Bray Controls Sales Manager
Alfy has 27 years of Control Valve experience, predominantly working in the Severe Service industry with major industry users. Alfy is also very active with the London Section and has been a committee member since 2014.
If you wish to attend please email to LIS@instmc.org, and a link email will be provided 48hrs before the presentation. The presentation will be means of MS Teams, this does not require a download of software, and can be viewed on any web browser.
Heads Up: Next month: 11th Jan 2022 5pm : Future Plant Networks.
We aim to have a technical presentation on the second Tuesday of each month until Easter 2022. At the present time we are planning only for webinar events. If you have a suitable presentation, or feel that there is a subject we should be covering, please contact us on LIS@instmc.orgAs and when conditions allow we will recommence face to face lectures, and reinstigate our social programme. Malcolm George Chairman