Engineering X Global review of the engineering response to Covid-19
07 October 2022
Engineering X is an international collaboration bringing together some of the world’s leading problem-solvers to address the great challenges of our age. The Engineering X community is currently working on 5 missions.
- Pandemic Preparedness
- Safer End of Engineered Life
- Engineering Skills Where They Are Most Needed
- Safer Complex Systems
- Transforming Systems Through Partnership
The Engineering X Pandemic Preparedness programme is helping the global engineering community to learn from the Covid-19 pandemic by sharing disruptive solutions and best practice approaches in the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery from pandemics.
A new report, ‘Engineering X Global review of the engineering response to COVID-19: lessons learned for preparedness and resilience’ has just been published, identifying key vulnerabilities in pandemic preparedness and calls for comprehensive action by policymakers, business and academic leaders worldwide to ensure future pandemic resilience. 
Informed by data, case studies and comment from more than 40 countries, the review highlights the breadth of contributions made by engineers and engineering globally in responding to key challenges, across sectors, disciplines, geographies, and across pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.
It calls on governments, policy makers, public health actors, academia and funders, along with the engineering community, to identify and close structural gaps in resilience against future pandemics, to invest in skills, training and capacity of engineers all around the world, and to develop robust platforms for collaboration within engineering and between engineering and other disciplines.
Download the full report.
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