Please forward this email to any friends or colleages who may have an interest in the subject.
Happy New Year to all our members.We hope that you can all stay well and prosper
Our Next Presentation will be on Tuesday 12th January 2021at 5.00PM
TITLE : Radiometric Profiling of Separation Vessels.PRESENTER: Gary Baker & VEGA Radiometric & Projects Manager Matthew Cornish VEGA Business Development ManagerCOMPANY: Vega Controls
Registration via GoToWebinar using the following Linkhttps://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7311717552041049357
or click here
SynopsisThe presentation tonight will look at the history of radiometric measurement using GM technology and Scintillators.
How the industry and suppliers evolved into profiling, discussing the advantages of thelatest detectors and profiling techniques available.There will be a live setup of a nuclear gaugedemonstrating the ease and simple interface to the modern detectors.And of course a chance to discuss and question the experienced team at VEGA.For fuller details , please click HERE
BIOPICSGary Baker VEGA Radiometric & Projects Manager (Gary has over 25 years of experience inradiometric instrumentation working for over 20 years at VEGA)Matthew Cornish VEGA Business Development Manager (Matthew has 23 years of experience ininstrumentation and covers major projects in the energy sector)
We will have a technical presentation on the second Tuesday of each month throughout 2021. At the present time we are planning only for webinar events, but are intending to return to live events as and when conditions permit.If you have a suitable presentation, or feel that there is a subject we should be covering, please contact our Programme Secretary , Henry Downes on Henry.Downes@InstMC.org. As and when conditions allow we will LAO reinstate a full social programme. Keep Safe and Stay WellMalcolm GeorgeActing Chairman