Please forward this email to any friends or colleages who may have an interest in the subject.
Our Next Presentation will be onTUESDAY8th March 2022at 5.00PM
TITLE: Non-Invasive Jet Mixing Technology for Pressure Sensitive SamplingPRESENTER: Gary Potten,Engineering DirectorCOMPANY: Sensia
If you wish to attend please email to LIS@instmc.org, and a link email will be provided 48hrs before the presentation. The presentation will be means of MS Teams, this does not require a download of software, and can be viewed on any web browser.
SynopsisThis new technology of a low-pressure-loss jet mixing system can operate at smaller line sizes than traditional jet mixer technologies. The research and design of the system were conducted as a joint industrial project with Imperial College London. Following an extensive modeling campaign using computation fluid dynamics, the most efficient prototype design was independently tested at the National Engineering Laboratory. These tests verified that the new nonintrusive jet mixing design met the uncertainty performance criteria of the international sampling standards of both the API and ISO across the wide range of water fractions typically seen during the production life of a well.This presentation discusses the challenges seen by operators explaining alternative active mixing technology. It then goes on to explain the design process of this innovative new active jet mixing technology, highlighting the choices made and the options available as well as methodology used in the independent verification testing of the noninvasive jet mixer’s performance and the subsequent results.
BiopicGary Potten is the Engineering Director at Sensia in Houston Texas. He attended Brunel University in London where he obtained his Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Gary has over twenty years of experience in fiscal sampling techniques, multiphase measurement, dynamic/static mixing design, profile analysis, blending system design, flow measurement and control system architecture. He is the Chairman of the API MPMS Chapter 8 Committee and resides on the working groups for Automatic Sampling Systems and On-Line WaterCut Measurement. Gary also has current membership with ISA, ASTM, ASME and teaches at PETEX University of Texas and ISHM.
Heads Up: Next month 12th April: Battery Energy Storage Systems
We aim to have an online technical presentation normally on the second Tuesday of each month until July 2022. At the present time we are planning only for webinar events. If you have a suitable presentation, or feel that there is a subject we should be covering, please contact us on LIS@instMC.orgA future programme of live social & technical events events is now under consideration. We hope to announce a site visit, a pub social, and an exhibition in the not too distant future. Suggestions and offers of help will be most welcome.All social events are organised by our associate group, Measurement and Control Engineers-London.. Malcolm GeorgeChairmanLondon.chair@instmc.org.